Terms & Conditions

Term 1. Intellectual Property Rights

You should assert ownership rights over your website’s intellectual property, such as photos, music, written works, and graphics. Include a brief statement establishing your ownership of the original materials and indicating the contexts in which they may be used, if at all.

Term 2. Products or Services Terms

Your customers should have no reservations about the services or products you offer. A comprehensive description should be included in your terms and conditions . Where appropriate, include a minimum duration requirement in your terms and conditions for the supply of goods or services on a permanent or recurring basis.

Term 3. Payment Terms

Your prices should be clearly stated or located where customers can find them. The inclusion or exclusion of applicable taxes from the costs should also be noted in your terms and conditions, as should any offer or price duration. Any shipping charges that apply should be included here, and you should specify the due date for payment and the penalties for non-payment.

Term 4. Guarantees and Warranties

Certain products you sell may be covered by guarantees or warranties , either directly or indirectly through the manufacturer. In these instances, you should specify the start and end dates of the warranty. Additionally, you should indicate what would happen if the customer discovered a defect.

Term 5. Limitation of Liability

A liability limitation will protect you from liability for any offensive or defamatory postings on your site. If your website permits user-generated content, your terms and conditions should include a clause allowing for it. Otherwise, you could face expensive fines for their original works.

Term 6. Minor-Aged Children

You must follow special rules when your website markets to children under the age of 13. Companies must ensure that their websites adhere to the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) . You may need to follow other relevant laws established by your government, which means you should speak with technology lawyers if your website engages minors.

Term 7. Future Modifications

You may want to amend your website’s terms and conditions from time to time, either to reflect changes in your business or applicable law. Ensure that you include information about how customers will be notified and the amount of notice required in advance of changes.

Term 8. Rules of Conduct

End-users should know how to conduct themselves when interacting with your website. Make it very clear that they may only use your website for its intended person and that all must follow the rules to access your services. In this section, you can specify penalties for violations.

Term 9. Choice of Law

Your terms and conditions should conclude by stating which applicable laws govern them. This statement protects you from having to leave your state or country to handle a civil dispute with an aggrieved party. Most companies choose the governing law clause of their headquarters ’ location.